Caught the flood tide towards Cowes and even managed to sail a little bit even though the wind was very light. We had been going to go to Shepards Marina, West Cowes but the marina staff were not very helpful on the radio and there didn’t seem to be any good berths available so we decided to go to the East Cowes Marina instead. We were given a good berth and after tidying up we were soon all booked in and ready for a walk. We walked along to the floating bridge, went across to West Cowes and took the bus to Newport.

Had a little wander around and started to walk back to East Cowes. Unfortunately the footpath to Island Harbour had a closed sign so rather than risk going so far and then having to turn back we diverted via the main road, which wasn’t very nice, until we could take the turning to Island Harbour to rejoin the footpath.
From then on there were no problems and we stopped at the Folly Inn for refreshments and to reflect on trip from Scotland now we are nearly home. Followed the path up by Whippingham church and then on through East Cowes back to the marina. All in all a good walk and stretch of the legs after not doing much on Sunday.