Hampered in sailing out of daylight hours by our lack of bow navigation lights we left Studland at first light to catch the favourable tide towards the Solent after a good night at anchor. Our decision to anchor close to the beach being a good one as the wind picked up from the northwest during the night. We motor sailed and sailed for a little time towards The Solent and Hurst Castle at a good speed taking the North Channel. In fact we arrived well on schedule and anchored behind Hurst Point towards Keyhaven, had breakfast and relaxed on the basis that Lymington Yacht Haven wouldn’t want us arriving before noon.

We lifted the anchor and early afternoon we were in our berth in Lymington Yacht Haven. Anne did a little wander around town whilst Richard did a few jobs on Harvard. Our long time friends from our London days (1977 to 1983), Richard and Lizzie, had invited us for supper, which was really nice of them. At least we had managed to be more presentable after showers, badly needed after some days at anchor!!