Woke up to fairly persistent rain and drizzle with poor visibility so after taking advantage of a hot shower we went to The Lifeboat pub right next to the marina for bacon rolls and coffee. By midday the weather had improved and despite a bit of tide running through the marina we had no problems leaving our berth and motored out into the Solent. Again hardly any wind and we motored with the tide helping us around the Bramble Bank and Calshot Spit and up Southampton Water. A bit more wind came up as we approached Dock Head but it was mostly on the nose so we motored on up to Marchwood. After some visiting yachts had cleared the pontoon we were soon moored up to complete our 2 year anti-clockwise circumnavigation of the UK. Cheating by going through the Caledonian Canal this time as opposed to 2016/2017 when we went clockwise and round the tip of Scotland!!!
So it is now time to sign off and start planning some shorter, local trips for the rest of this year and looking forward to more adventures next year!!