Tuesday, 14 May, Mallaig to Canna

A bit of a wet overcast morning, but the forecast was for better weather tomorrow, or so Kenny told us!!. After filling up with water and doing some last minute shopping, including delicious croissants and sourdough bread from the bakery, we set off the 25 nautical miles for Canna after waiting for the “all clear” once the ferries had finished moving. We also had to avoid the works in the harbour to re-lay the visitor moorings. Canna was on Richard’s bucket list of places to visit after we went there on the ferry from Mallaig during our 2016/17 circumnavigation of the UK.

We sailed a bit and motor sailed when the wind dropped to keep up our average speed. Some of the sailing was great although it would have been nice to have had the Hydrovane self-steering available now there is only the two of us onboard. We must remember to fit the blade in Canna.

Once we arrived in the harbour at Canna we picked up a mooring buoy as the holding at anchor was reported to be poor because of the kelp on the seabed. We were one of the first yachts in that day but others arrived later, some anchoring and some picking up a buoy. It had drizzled most of the day and once we had tidied up the boat it really started raining so it was down below for a nice supper of asparagus and a stir fry. Let’s hope Kenny is right! There is no mobile phone signal so it is going to be difficult to update the blog or check emails, etc.

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