Thursday, 25 July, Dittisham and Greenway

Richard was off for another long session of paddle boarding in rather wet and overcast weather. Then it was time to get ready to meet Anne’s brother Peter and Anne’s school friend, Anna and her husband, also called Pete. Anne’s brother met us on the pontoon at Dittisham and we took to ferry over to the other side because we knew with spring tides our dinghy would be high and dry in the mud on the other side when we wanted to come back. We walked up to Greenway, the house of the author Agatha Christie and now looked after by the National Trust. We had a wander around the gardens before meeting Anna and Pete for lunch. We had a great catch-up and then had a wander around the house. Anna and Pete are National Trust volunteers and Anna had catalogued many of the artefacts in the house, so it was like having our own personal guide.

After saying goodbye to Anna and Pete we took the ferry back to Dittisham and said cheerio to Anne’s brother. We had been going to go down to Dartmouth to anchor but after having such a nice day we decided to stay put. The very nice harbour lady came past in her launch so we had a chat and paid the night’s mooring fee. Then we deflated the paddle board and the dinghy and packed everything away ready for tomorrow.

Anne’s brother Pete on the ferry on his birthday as it turned out!!

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