Sunday, 5 May, Oban

Our plan had been to sail towards Tobermory but when we woke up there was thick fog. We had to to do some more shopping so decided to see if the weather had changed when we came back to Harvard. It did occasionally cleared in the port but a yacht arrived next to us and reported that out at sea the fog was really thick and they really didn’t recommend that we set sail. We agreed and after the decision was made we decided to go for a walk but not after stopping for a large portion of mussels in white wine with garlic at the street stall outside the ferry terminal.

Then we set off out of town towards the ferry to Kerrrera island. A lovely walk through open country. There was a bit of a mix up at the ferry as we hadn’t realised that you had to book tickets in advance and could not buy them onboard. Then the ferry was taking a van across Kerrera Sound and this limited the number of passengers and we found we had jumped the queue ahead of people that had been waiting an hour or more. Our bad!! Once on Kerrera we asked north towards the marina on the island with the intention of taking the marina ferry back to Oban.

We arrived at the marina and booked a ferry for just over 1 hour’s time at 16:00 and whiled away the time having a drink. Cold but good fun. Then there was another ferry mix up in that the 16:00 ferry was over-booked but happily the lady that had booked us in was also wanting to go home to Oban and remembered us, so the ferry did a double run and we were soon back on Harvard after a good day out and enjoying Anne’s mushroom rissotto.

Kerrera ferry
Still foggy in Kerrera Sound

1 thought on “Sunday, 5 May, Oban”

  1. Terry and Moira

    we went to Kerera, did you notice the teapots on the gateposts? ( or maybe they have gone now!)

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